The Port Douglas Surf Life Saving Club is at the southern end of the Esplanade. When lifeguards are present there are red and yellow flags flying and a beach report sandwich board to advise of conditions. On the grassy area behind the beach are fresh water showers to rinse the salt and sand off. There is a public toilet and more showers next to the surf club in Mowbray Street.
Cafés and picnic areas.
The restaurant at the surf club is licenced and open for dinner. The very good Hi Tide Restaurant towards the northern end of the Esplanade is licenced but is also BYO at $5 per person.
There are 2 free electric BBQ's along the Esplanade with un-sheltered picnic tables close-by. There is one sheltered picnic spot at the northern end.
Port Douglasites often exercise at the northern end of the beach and use the steps and track up the hill for workouts especially early in the morning.